jeudi 12 février 2015

Day By Day: How to Lose 10 Kilos In A Week and No Risk

If you are female and want to know how to lose 10 kilos in a week, check out the following article. In it you will learn a great diet that will allow you to reduce inches from waist quickly and effectively, and not return to increase them if you continue with exercise and healthy food intake.

How to lose 10 kilos in a week: Can you do this diet?

Losing weight in a short time without problems is possible, neglects everything that you read or heard before. But when it comes to such a strict diet, we recommend that you only follow if you are in any of the following groups:

  ° If you have a greater than 10 kg overweight, because otherwise be harmful to your health. There are other less drastic options if your intention is to reduce 3 or 4 kg, and you should find a way to lose 10 kilos in a week because it will not work.

   ° If you enjoy good physical condition, not suffer any disease and are used to doing sport, at least walk daily.

How to lose 10 kilos in one week with the most effective diet

Follow this diet plan so you can reduce up to 10 kilos in just seven days:

   ° breakfast
Consume daily 1 cup of tea with skim milk and fresh fruit.
    ° midmorning
Come daily 1 piece of fruit and 200 ml of low fat yogurt.

    ° lunch
Day 1: 150 grams of skinless chicken and 100 grams of pumpkin puree and 1 fruit.
Day 2: 200 grams of steamed vegetables and 1 fruit
Day 3: 200 cm3 of dietary broth. A panache of vegetables with 3 tablespoons brown rice and 1 fruit.
Day 4: 200 cm3 of dietary broth. A panache of vegetables with 3 tablespoons brown rice and 1 fruit.
Day 5: 200 grams of flour noodles with a little olive oil and 1 fruit.
Day 6: 200 cm3 of dietary broth. A panache of vegetables with 3 tablespoons brown rice and 1 fruit.
Day 7: 200 grams of steamed vegetables and 1 fruit.
Every day, 1 cup of tea with skim milk and fruit.
Day 1: 150 grams of steamed fish with a grated carrot.
Day 2: 200 grams of flour noodles with tomato natural and 1 fruit.
Day 3: 1 lentil salad and raw vegetables with lemon and olive oil, and 1 fruit.
Day 4: 150 grams of steamed fish with a grated carrot.
Day 5: 200 cm3 of dietary soup with a salad and 1 serving of light gelatin.
Day 6: 200 cm3 of dietary soup with a salad and 1 serving of light gelatin.
Day 7: 1 tortilla with spinach and egg salad three tomatoes, and 1 fruit.

Now you will have no more questions on how to lose 10 kilos in a week. Try this diet and see immediate results. And if you need to keep losing weight or eliminate fat to have a more slender and sexy body then I recommend that you follow the VENUS SYSTEM John Barban program.
This method will give an unusual trick to manipulate your fat burning hormone thee a wife and complementaras cone powerful fat-burning foods that will guide you step by step to learn to replace those habits that keep you slim for a new healthy lifestyle without excesses . Only then you will ensure you stay slim and not recover the lost kilos anymore.

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